Saturday, February 13, 2016

Organizing Extra: Ideas from HGTV
I've been writing about time management a lot here lately. Last Thursday's post in particular, along with the planning that preceded it, nudged me to take a look at my blogging habits. I've done so before, but now, with proof that blogging sometimes overshadows the other writing I want to do, it was time to look at my schedule with an eye toward change.

When I first started this blog, these Saturday posts were a great way to showcase people, places and articles that inspired me. Julie Morgenstern. Marcia Ramsland. A Perfect Mess.

Sometimes, though, as I've often written here, it's time to focus on that L in STYLE and let it go. I've featured all my inspirations, along with quite a few fun finds I made along the way, and that brings the Organization Extra feature of this blog to its natural conclusion.

So, for the moment, at least, I'm stepping away from Saturday posts. I'll try to feature some posts from the archives on the occasional Saturday, and, if I find something new and exciting, I'll make sure to share it. But, for the foreseeable future, I'll be putting up new posts only on Wednesdays and (3 Keys) Thursdays.

Meanwhile, since HGTV got me inspired to walk down this road in the first place, it's only fitting that I conclude this feature with something from them. Over at, I've been writing about containers, and this HGTV feature on organizing mistakes to avoid echoes much of what you've read here, and at, if you follow my STYLE Savvy posts.

See you Wednesday.

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