Wednesday, July 1, 2020

True Confessions Wednesday: Organizing Doesn't Take a Holiday

True Confession #33: I organize on vacation.
Last night, after I finished eating dinner, I dug into some more food -- the supplies we brought along on vacation -- but not because I was hungry. When we arrived last weekend, we plopped the tote full of snacks and supplies onto the kitchen counter, where it stayed. It seemed logical enough. Everything was contained in one spot rather than scattered haphazardly, but the set-up still bugged me. Add to that the pile-up in a corner of the dining room that made sense to my husband, but had me strategizing all through dinner and there was no way I was going to let the status quo go.

Half an hour later, I'd consolidated the stuff in the corner, repurposed a small corrugated tray from the bottled water as a coffee pod holder, and ditched the large box from the warehouse club that had previously been home to the coffee pods. I'd separated the food that had been opened from the food that had not, the breakfast food from the snack food, the gluten-free food from the rest and stored all the breads together. The tote became home to unopened containers and got stored off the counter, which then looked much, much better.

What I really needed was a container or two to maximize the space and make the categories clearer but, since our stay here is temporary, I drew the line at going out and purchasing containers. 

Just barely.

I'm sure it seems silly that I concern myself with these things even on vacation, but I find it hard to relax when things look cluttered, especially when only a small fraction of our belongings is here in the first place. The condo where we stay has an open floor plan so when one area is cluttered, it's really obvious. This trip, I even packed my reading material, writing stuff and miscellaneous entertainment in a bin so that it was easy not only to find exactly what I wanted when I wanted it, but to put it away when I was finished.

Right now, I've got my eye on three bags that, if they were moved to a slightly different location, would be so much less of an eyesore. 

I think we all know where I'm going when I finish this post.

How about you? Do you take a vacation from organizing?

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