Thursday, April 8, 2021

STYLE-ing My Way to the End of a Very Different Semester

As the semester picks up speed and careens to an end, it felt like a good time to revisit a post from 2019 and do a little comparing. 

The semester is drawing to a close 
and the semi-annual paper blizzard has begun. Fortunately, many of these papers will be returned to my students but, in the meantime, keeping things in order is a bit of a challenge. When it feels like the stuff is overwhelming the systems, it's time to go back to STYLE

  • Start with successes. I have folders for all of my classes, so that's my starting point. When the papers begin to overrun the folders (like when 25 students turn in five page papers), I start stacking and I keep my piles together with paper clips or binder clips that match the color I've assigned to each class. That way, I can see at a glance which papers belong to which classes, even if I move my piles into open-top files.
  • Take small steps. When the papers start to pile up, they end up on my dining room table, which is not where they belong. Taking even five minutes at a time to sort, clear and move the piles to a more appropriate location makes a difference not just in terms of clear space, but also in terms of peace of mind. I know. I've tried it.
  • Yes, it has a home! Except when that home is too small. Time to pull out an extra file bin and press it into service.
  • Let it go! This one will be easy. The majority of the papers will be returned to their rightful owners. What remains can be sorted into file bins that house materials for each of my classes.
  • Easy upkeep. Luckily, I've been teaching the same classes long enough that I've developed working systems and, once the paper piles shrink to a manageable size, the upkeep is easy.
Chipping away at my piles gradually, reminding myself that this is a temporary state of affairs, and keeping what comes next in mind helps me make progress and keep my wits about me. As the piles grow smaller (and leave my house), I feel a sense of accomplishment that almost makes this temporary state of affairs less annoying.


And now:

With our current hybrid set-up, the paper blizzard is no more and I don't miss it a bit! But every semester brings new challenges, and my current challenge is trying to write the curricular part of my online summer class while teaching three spring semester classes. With multiple irons in the fire -- especially when that's the case -- STYLE is still my friend.
  • Start with successes.  As someone with an I need to see it personal style teaching in a pandemic, I may not have hard copies of assignments, but I need hard copies of some things, so I have a system for the papers that do accumulate. When I have the time and energy to use the system, it works. One (almost) daily success is clearing off my desk at the end of each day. Seeing a clear workspace at the beginning of each day helps me to start the day more calmly.
  • Take small steps. I've had a steady flow of assignments coming in from all of my classes for the past two weeks and I've come to terms (mostly) with the fact that it will take time to grade them. Each day, I set a target number of specific assignments to grade -- one that's realistic given the other responsibilities of my day, including sleep and down time. It took me a long time to get comfortable with small steps in this particular aspect of my life. Taking small steps when it comes to grading doesn't make everyone happy, but it helps me maintain some semblance of work-life balance.
  • Yes, it has a home! If I can only make myself put it away instead of down. Some habits die hard.
  • Let it go! Too soon for this one. At the end of the semester, I'll sort through all the folders and get rid of the hard copies that duplicate things I can archive online. For now, this I need to see it girl need her hard copy back-ups.
  • Easy upkeep. I hate the situation that got us to this point, but now that I've adjusted to online tools and virtual submissions of assignments, I can't imagine ever going back to that wild blizzard of papers. 
Even if I am the poster child for I need to see it.

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