Thursday, February 4, 2021

3 Keys Thursday: 3 Key Tools for Managing Change

The first week of a new semester is drawing to a close and 
I am tired. Changing schedules and responsibilities are a fact of life, but they can be a challenge. Here are three things I'm doing to keep things organized as I adjust to the change in my routine.

Make lists. New seasons bring new tasks -- big and small -- and it can be easy for things to fall between the cracks. Writing things down makes it more likely we can stay on top of both new and old responsibilities and tasks.

Use existing systems. For me, planning is not a tidy process. As I work, papers proliferate and piles persist. Making sure to allot enough time at the end my work time to put things where they belong ensures that things won’t get out of control -- or at least they won't stay that way for long.

Listen to your body. New seasons can be exhausting and may require us to cut ourselves some slack. Naps that disappeared when I was working with the rhythms of my own body clock reappeared as a matter of necessity the first week of classes. It’s tempting to berate myself and try to push through but, in the end, that’s just counterproductive. So nap I will so I can be fresh when I tackle the new challenges that emerge on a daily basis.

Whether it’s a new semester, summer vacation, a new year, or a life change, listening to ourselves and putting our styles to work can make the difference between a smooth road and a bumpy one. And, if we remember to take care of ourselves as well, that can give us the energy we need to accurately map out the road ahead.

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