Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Two Tools for Every Style


When it comes to Organizing by STYLE, individuality is key. We identify our styles and use them to create organizational systems that fit and are, therefore, sustainable.

But even though our systems work best when they're individualized, the same tool often works for many styles. Here are two tools that can be personalized to fit every style.

Lists. While these serve as proof of accomplishment for the I need to see it personal style, they serve as item locators for those with the I know I put it somewhere organizational style and as a plan of attack for those with an I love to be busy personal style. Whether they're on brightly colored paper, tucked into a planner, written backwards (things I accomplished today) or forward (things I need to do tomorrow), lists are one of the most adaptable organizational tools ever.

Containers. Choosing containers that match our styles increases our motivation to put things away instead of down, and to use the organizational systems we set up. Cram and jammers whose containers are large and/or flexible are less likely be defeated by crumpled, ripped or broken items. I love stuff folks protect their collections by containing them in ways that keep them safe and out of harm's way. I know I put it somewhere organizers can use clear bins to reveal the safe hiding places for their prized items and those with a drop and run organizational style are more likely to put things where they belong if they simply forgo the lid and go for one-step containing. 

Finding tools that work and adapting them to our styles leads to habits and systems that work because they've arisen out of what comes naturally. And, once we learn to use those tools consistently, we're on the path to easy upkeep.

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