Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Whys of Organization

Organization is, indeed, a process -- a dynamic approach that allows us to live in harmony with our things, instead of just focusing on putting things away. Each of us has different reasons for wanting to be organized -- the "why" behind our desire to strengthen both our skills and our systems. 

Our "why" becomes the momentum that drives the process; whether we organize to find things when we need them, to enjoy the sense of mastery a clear space brings with it, or to create a sense of peace around us, our "why" shapes our systems and plays a role in our styles. What an organizational system based on our whys and our styles lacks in perfection, it makes up for in efficiency because we have fit it into our lives instead of the other way around.

When I was writing Know Thyself, I asked some friends about their whys, and I thought it would be fun to share some of them here. 

Can you identify? Or is your why something completely different?

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