Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Just one...

Stevepb via Pixabay
Last week, I wrote about my propensity for doing just one more thing. Though my one-more-thing-itis is detrimental to punctuality, there are times that "just one" can be a good thing.

When life gets busy, it's often hard to stay on top of things. Trying desperately to make progress on getting things organized, but short on time? Consider...

Giving it just one minute. Seriously? A minute? What can you get done in a minute? You might be surprised. While a minute won't be enough time to clean out the garage, it's long enough to put away a pile of clothes, clear clutter off a surface or make a list of steps to take to complete the project when you can give it more time.

Getting rid of just one pile. A pile of clean laundry is usually pretty easy to manage in just a minute (or so) because everything in the pile (most likely) has a home. The accumulated piles of papers and homeless items can be a bit challenging. If you don't have time to take care of the whole pile, set a timer and get as far as you can in the time you have.

Tackling just one drawer or shelf. Sure, it'd be great to clean out the whole dresser, closet or pantry, but often, that's just not possible. Tackling one finite section of the space in question can give you a feeling of satisfaction, which can motivate you to tackle the next drawer or shelf when you have time.

stevepb via Pixabay
Cooling off one hot spot. Every home has them -- the spots that seem to invite people to drop things and leave them there. Creating clear space -- even if only in one small area -- provides both satisfaction and visual evidence of organizational progress. And if you can delegate the putting away of the items to the owners, that's even better.

Next time you're feeling overwhelmed, consider the concept of "just one." Sometimes, doing just one more thing is a good plan.

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