Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Changing Seasons

Fall has been unseasonably warm here in Pennsylvania and it's wreaking havoc with my clothing organization. Though it's often October before I complete the seasonal switchover (there's nothing worse than switching everything around only to hit a stretch of warm weather where I end up dragging out the things I just put away), I've usually made more progress by now, at least in one aspect of the changeover. But everything from shoes to clothes to pajamas is a bit of a mishmash. And, with 70 degree temperatures still in the forecast, putting things away too soon might still mean dragging them out again a few days later.

So, I need a stopgap measure. This morning, as I rooted in my closet for actual shoes (instead of sandals), for the second day in a row, it occurred to me that I could approach this just a little bit at a time (one of my favorite methods, as you probably know by now). By using the one in/one out principle I apply to new purchases (buy something new/get rid of something old), I can transform my closets and drawers at to match the (snail's) pace of the change of seasons.

So, for each pair of shoes I take out, I'll put one (or more) pairs of sandals away. Even if the warmer temperatures stick around, there are some sandals (strappy, bare, white) I know I'm finished with until summer.

This plan has an additional benefit as well. It allows me to let go of my beloved sandals one pair at a time.

Hey. It's a start.

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