Thursday, September 17, 2020

3 Keys Thursday: 3 Keys to Easy Upkeep


It's been a busy semester, one where I'm grateful for the organizing progress I made before things got busy. Still, because organizing is a process, it's something I have to keep up with, even in areas where I managed to arrive at Easy Upkeep.

This can be challenging when things get busy and time is at a premium. Here are three key strategies I'm using to keep things manageable until I have time to dig in and get things more fully under control.

One in, one out. Part of staying organized is balancing the flow between what comes in and what goes out. If you get rid of something old when you get something new, it helps keep things in balance. I'm also using this now to slowly put away summer things and take out fall things, making an even exchange wherever possible.

Give it Five! Sometimes, chipping away at things is the best we can do. Even five minutes here and there can help keep clutter under control. The piles may not disappear, but they might stay manageable.

Don't put it down, put it away! If you got to Easy Upkeep, things have homes. Put them there.

I keep telling myself that things will slow down and I'll have time to fully engage with my stuff. Until then, using these strategies will help me keep clutter under control as well as building habits that will ensure that the upkeep stays easy.

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