Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Confessing Again

 When I was younger, summer was the time for re-runs. Between the final episodes of television shows in the spring and the fall premieres, networks re-aired episodes that had already run, and we had all summer to re-watch and/or catch up. 

That was, of course, before VCRs, DVRs, and streaming.

You might have noticed that this blog has gone to an every-other-Thursday posting schedule. A variety of factors led to this decision but, some weeks, the blog space looks bare. So, this summer, I decided to re-run some of my favorite Wednesday True Confessions posts in the weeks between Thursday posts. 

I hope you enjoy them.

True Confession #1: I am a container collector. Last weekend, as I was working on decluttering my office, I realized that the magazine holders I was using to corral my notebooks were the wrong tool for the job. Fortunately, I only had to go my basement to find an appropriate replacement.

Okay, I admit it. I love to wander the container aisles of, well, pretty much any store. Although I go home empty-handed most of the time (unless I'm in search of a particular item), that has more to do with my container collection than a high degree of self-control. Between the bags and organizers I have left over from my days selling Thirty-One gifts and the office/paper organizers I have left over from my days as a school counselor doing organizer giveaways, I have quite the selection on hand in my basement. When I don't have the tool that's "just right," I go shopping (excitedly and without hesitation) but most of the time, I check my inventory before I buy.

I do have a weakness for paper storage products, though, along with unique containers and, of course, bargains. Consequently, when I give in to temptation and buy something to add to my collection, it's usually out of dollar bins (or at the dollar store) or in the office supply aisle.

Last weekend, I was grateful for my collection. Within fifteen minutes of identifying the container as the problem, I'd found something better, replaced the magazine holders and improved the look of the counter in my office.

Did I get rid of the magazine holders? Please. They were perfectly reusable. Just because they didn't work in the office doesn't mean they won't work somewhere else.

So into the basement they went because, after all, there's nothing quite like a container that's a perfect fit.

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