Thursday, November 26, 2020

3 Keys Thursday: 3 Keys to Having a Happy Thanksgiving

As I finish writing this post, I'm full of turkey, which means I'm behind schedule. This was supposed to posted early in the day, made possible by the fact that my husband is in charge of all meals containing turkey.

But it still didn't happen. I considered ditching this post altogether -- I mean, who'd know? -- but decided it was never too late to have a Thanksgiving frame of mind.

Be grateful. I know, it's kind of the meaning of the holiday but, admittedly, this year it's a bit of a challenge. All the more reason to focus on what we have, even if it's not exactly what we want. The benefits of gratitude are numerous, making it worthwhile to make today the day we make counting our blessings a regular habit.

Be hopeful. This year's Thanksgiving is the first of its kind in our lifetime, and I have to believe that the sacrifices we're making are in the service of better celebrations to come. It's hard to be hopeful in light of all we have lost but, without hope, things feel even worse. Optimism doesn't mean denying reality; it means believing there are better days ahead.

Monicore via Pixabay

Be kind. However we celebrate, close quarters and high anxiety are likely part of the day. Respecting boundaries, even if we don't agree with or even understand them, and reaching out in kindness, whether it's offering to do the dishes or leaving a generous tip for those who are working today, can be a bright spot in a November that feels even darker than usual.

However you celebrate, and with whomever, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Here's to pulling out all the stops next year.

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