Wednesday, October 2, 2019

True Confessions Wednesday: The Devil is in the Details

True Confession #4: I am a global thinker. I love the idea stage, the blank page, the place where everything is possible.

It's the details I hate. Whoever said the devil is in the details had it right. It's the details I stress over. Afraid I won't get it right, or I'll miss something or head completely in the wrong direction, I waste my time on worry and end up draining the energy I could have spent on  the details avoiding them.

It's a vicious circle.

One of the things I love about style-based organizing is that I don't have to immediately get the details right. I can observe and experiment, playing with possible solutions until I find the Goldilocks solution -- the one that's "just right."

This frustration with the details is exacerbated by my lack of patience. When I have plenty of time or the stakes are low, I don't really mind working out the details. But, since the big picture is my strong suit, I rarely find myself in that position as avoiding the details comes much more naturally. Determining the details takes so much time and energy that I want to just throw my hands up and abdicate responsibility of the detail-determining to someone who's good at it.

Like my husband.

You might think that it's good that a global thinker is married to a detail-oriented person and, sometimes, you'd be right. Other times? Well, you know how it works with oil and water.

How about you? Would you rather determine the details or delegate them?

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