Thursday, September 20, 2018

3 Keys Thursday: 3 Key Closet Considerations

Photo: Dodgerton Skillhause via Morguefile
In some ways, closets are the great equalizer. Whether your organizational style is I need to see itcram and jam or I know I put it somewhere chances are that if you're looking for clothing, your closet makes the short list of places to start. Once inside, however, taking your styles into account can make the difference between finding what you want in wearable condition and digging through piles, hoping the item you want is clean and not (too) rumpled. 

Here are three of my favorite closet considerations. 

Color code. In this case we're not talking about using files or folders, but hanging clothes of similar hues together. This makes it easier for those with an I need to see it or I know I put it somewhere organizational style, (along with with cram and jammers who actually hang things up) to find that particular red blouse or navy skirt, or perhaps to rediscover one you forgot you had.

Standard issue might not be the standard. Walk-in closets notwithstanding, standard issue closet equipment usually consists of a hanging rod and a shelf, but, depending on your styles, these might not be the best tools. Shelves, drawer units, hooks and bins can augment or replace the standard issue, especially if they're a better match for your styles.

Light it up. If you can't see what you're looking for, every trip into your closet becomes an adventure -- and not necessarily a great one.While walk-in closets often come with their own lighting system, smaller, older closets often need an assist. No electricity? No problem. Small, battery-operated, stick-on lights can be stuck wherever they do the most good. If all else fails, try equipping your closet with a good flashlight.

One of the best things about a closet is that it is, at heart, a big, rectangular space -- one you can customize any way you'd like.


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