Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My Organizational Achilles' Heel

Josborne via Pixabay
Lately, this blog has been feeling like organizational true confessions. The collection of boxes in the company of Christmas trees still up in February (away and down, respectively). My email inbox (a détente has been achieved, at least for the moment). And, today, my car.

My organizational Achilles' heel.

We all have one -- that place we don't want anyone else to look. A deep drawer. A closet in a room that's off limits. Multiple junk drawers.

Mine is my car. My primary styles are I need to see it/drop and run, but I also find myself drifting into I love to be busy on a fairly regular basis.

This is not a good combination for a small space.

While I have a system for keeping things together in my car, it's easily overwhelmed because the primary function of a vehicle is not to store stuff. When my daughter was small, I rationalized that my car was the Mommy-mobile, needing to be thoroughly outfitted for every possible eventuality but, these days, my daughter's car interior looks better than mine.


If admitting there's a problem is the first step, I'm there, but even the problem is multi-faceted. I not only need to rethink what goes in my car in the first place (and what has needed to come out for quite some time), I also need to think about taking care of the aesthetics of the vehicle in the first place. When a surface or a room in my house needs de-cluttering or re-vamping, I'm quick to come up with a plan, but except for the momentary groan I utter when I toss my school bag into the back seat, I don't give my car's interior more than a moment's consideration.

So there you have it. I've identified the problem. I know why it exists and what I need to do. Join me tomorrow for 3 keys to making it happen.

How about you? What's your organizational Achilles' heel? Maybe we can apply the 3 keys together.

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