Thursday, October 10, 2024

Organizing the Virtual

 A few weeks ago, I was trying to locate a book on my Kindle. I went to my library and scrolled...and scrolled...and scrolled....

There had to be a better way. 

I tried the search function and the book came up.

On Audible. 

I eventually found the information I needed but, while trying to find the book I was looking for, I revealed dozens of books I didn't even realize I had. Most of my e-book library was essentially invisible, something that is not at all helpful to someone with an I need to see it personal style. 

This experience made it clear that I needed a better method of keeping track of my e-books. The search function was definitely helpful, but it certainly wouldn't be useful in turning up books I didn't even know I had. And what if I wanted to browse?

After searching online to see if there was a quick way to create a list (and not finding one), I set about copying and pasting into a document file. I opted to keep it simple: alphabetical by author, titles organized under four categories: fiction, non-fiction, art-related, and writing/writing-related. I could have added a few other categories but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. 

The process was tedious and is not yet complete, but it's something I can do while watching television and I want the list badly enough to persevere.

A few days later, I shared my dilemma with my friend, Cerella, who directed me to where, lo and behold, I had a much better view of my library, and more options for filters as well. I especially liked that I could separate the samples from the full-length books, something I hadn't yet figured out a plan for when it came to my list. 

The view from reminded me that my overall view is better on my iPad than on my Kindle (and better on my laptop than my tablet). In addition, it solved my browsing dilemma, with all my books coming up clearly and in color.

When I told my friend that I was creating a list, she shared that she'd created one, too, using an Excel spreadsheet instead of a document file. I hate Excel (which has more to do with the fact that I lack Excel skills than anything about Excel itself), so I'm going to stick to my original plan.

When I first set out to write this post, I thought it would be about finding the tool that worked best. Clearly, it is about that, but this process reminded me of something else as well.

Sometimes, when we're stumped, or convinced there's a better way that's eluding us, reaching out to a friend can make all the difference. Friends can validate us, remind us we're not alone, and clue us in to solutions we didn't know were out there.

Thanks, Cerella

Thursday, September 19, 2024

3 Keys Thursday: Re-Purposing

 For several years now, I've made an ongoing resolution to use less paper and plastic. I've swapped out paper napkins for cloth, dishcloths and hand towels for paper towels, reusable zipper bags for plastic sandwich bags and, of course, a reusable water bottle for single-use plastics. A deluge of research about microplastics has convinced me that this isn't only good for the environment, but for my health as well. 

Not everyone shares my enthusiasm for these changes, though. Additional paper and plastic continue to flow into my home in the form of junk mail and packaging (to name just two). While I don't have solutions to all these problems, I have gotten better at reusing the packaging and repurposing some of these things into useful storage. Here are a few ideas I've been putting into practice.

Candle jars. I've burned candles for years but, until my daughter suggested it, I never once thought about cleaning all the burned wax out of the jar and repurposing it. Now, I consider doing this with every jarred candle I burn. The prettier the jar, the more likely I am to take the time to repurpose it. My favorite use (so far) for a candle-turned-storage jar is using it to hold dishwasher pods under my sink. Since my primary styles are I need to see it and drop and run,  it's probably no surprise that "grab and go" is a natural extension. Consequently, removing the steps of opening and closing a container to get the pod is a win in my book.

Can't see yourself dealing with all that melted wax? Fair enough. Jelly jars provide multipurpose storage as well, and the dishwasher can do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to cleaning them out. (It's less messy all around if you remove the labels first). I use a repurposed jelly jar to hold makeup brushes  and another one to store binder clips. It probably goes without saying that it's important to consider what was in the jar in the first place when you consider what to put in it in the second place. I'd store food in those jelly jars, but not the candle jar.

Put plastic in its place. My prescription eye drops come in a lidded plastic tub that is, as far as I can tell, non-recyclable. This makes them a very likely candidate for repurposing as I really don't want them going into a landfill. They're great for corralling small odds and ends: buttons, coins, paper clips, etc. In addition, the lids make them stackable and the white plastic makes them easy to label with a permanent marker. I use these to store extra heads for my electric toothbrush, as well as lipstick, and I use a repurposed tub that once held calcium supplements to keep my phone charger tucked away instead of tossed haphazardly across my kitchen counter.

Some of these repurposed items, like the candle jars, are attractive in their own right, and can add a decorative touch. Others, like my repurposed plastic tubs, are less so. If you're tucking a repurposed item behind closed doors, its function matters much more than its looks. If you're leaving it out, however, you might want to consider giving it an upgrade. I love washi tape, and have decorated and/or covered more than one container with it. (Wrapping paper and wallpaper scraps also work). While I certainly wouldn't put these containers on display in a formal dining room, a simple recovering can do the trick for containers that live in more informal spaces.

Recycling ideas...and stuff. If you're thinking this all sounds a bit familiar, you're right. Many of us have parents or grandparents who used margarine tubs for leftovers, jars for screws and nails, and coffee cans to store all manner of small (and medium-sized) items. Then, it became as easy to recycle as to re-use, and many of us fell out of the habit of repurposing, due as much to space limitations as convenience. Now, as we consider (once again) the importance of protecting our planet, even as we drown in the packaging pile-up that door-to-door delivery creates, it seems like a good time to look at all that packaging from a different angle, considering its potential for re-use. Moving forward, the key word is "pause."

Pause before tossing that container into the trash. Consider its size, attractiveness, and potential for re-use, as well as the amount of space you have available to store it (if you don't have an immediate use for it). Then, keep or toss as you see fit.

Pause before buying that container that promises to fix all your organizing woes. Consider why it appeals to you and check to see if you already have something that has similar attributes. Then, give that a try first.

This is definitely not how I usually organize
my kitchen cabinets, but it works.
Pause before you assume a container needs to perform a particular function. One of my favorite unconventional storage choices is the round plastic container I use to hold measuring cups and spoons, along with my colander. I have no idea what purpose I intended for it initially but it provided the perfect storage solution for a shelf that's just a little too high. At five feet tall, I can stick my fingers through any of the holes in the side and pull it toward me without having to go grab a step stool.

Clearly, we can't keep every container, or even every pretty container that crosses our path, or our attempts at reducing clutter quickly become a magnet that attracts it. What we can do, though, is keep our styles in mind as we consider disposing of things that might propose solutions to organizing dilemmas. Who knows? You might even feel a twinge of pride every time you find a new use for an old container.

I know I do.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Breaking Rules

  When I write about organizing, I emphasize the importance of being true to our defaults.  Who we are (personal styles) and how we do things (organizational styles) are at the heart of creating an organizational system that works for the long run. 

The more comfortable we get in letting our styles lead the way, the more likely we are to develop a sort of organizing intuition. We know at a glance which tool or method will work and which won't. And, best of all, we become unafraid to take risks and try new tools and ideas. 

For me, the first indication that I'd begun developing that sense of organizing intuition was when I screwed up the courage to remove the file cabinet from my home office. For me and my I need to see it personal style, file cabinets were where papers went to die. And, filing something properly required more steps than my drop and run organizational style had patience for.

So, into the basement it went, its drawers now dedicated to archived material -- things I don't need to access frequently but want to be able to lay my hands on quickly.

Sometimes, a tool or container baby steps us into intuition. About a month ago, I found really cool hangers that were perfect for organizing the burgeoning collection of leggings that are my go-to at-home outfit. They allowed me to look at my closet space in an entirely new way, and to create a way of storing my clothes that honors both my personal and organizational style (win-win!)

Then, one day last week, I put on a tee shirt that was really too long for shorts. Hmm...I thought. I should store this with my leggings.

Hardly an earth-shattering idea, but definitely different for me. When it comes to clothing, I store like with like -- dresses with dresses, tops with tops, bottoms with bottoms, like colors together.

Tops with bottoms? Any old color beside any old color?

Why not? It only makes sense to store pieces I'll wear together side-by-side in the closet, even if it's a departure from the way I usually do things. And, it will save me pulling out that too-long tee-shirt to pair with something besides jeans or leggings, only to have to take it off because it doesn't work. 

The beauty of organizing intuition is that it allows us to bend -- or even break -- rules. Those rules can be ours or someone else's, and they can have to do with containers, hangers, methods, or any other organizational concept. When our organizing intuition tells us to give something a try, we're taking a step toward personalizing a system that works for us. And, if we feel excited by the new idea, that's even better, because that's what will make us truly organized in a way that's truly intuitive.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Nooo! I'm Not Ready!

 I haven't done a 3 Keys Thursday in ages, and I got so excited to write this one, I couldn't stop at three!

It's the time of year that makes teachers wail and gnash their teeth: the emergence of school supplies in a store near you.

It's not the school supplies that are the issue -- teachers will be filling up carts with the stuff -- it's the timing. It feels as though summer vacation has no sooner started than fall is foisted upon us.

As a parent, you might appreciate this. Or, you might feel the same way teachers do, feeling the need to swap out sunglasses for blinders every time you walk into a store. 

No kids? You might be in the best position of all. 

'Tis the season to stock up.

Sure, you can avoid these aisles altogether. Or, you can check your supplies and fill in the gaps at bargain prices. 

Here are a few pointers.

Make a list. If you're parent on a back-to-school supply run, you might have a ready-made list from your child's school. If you're a stationery aficionado like I am, your list looks more like a wish list. Keep your budget in mind when you make your list (once I'm in the store, I want to buy it all!) so you can stay on track once you're roaming the aisles. 

The store list might not be your list. Many stores have posted lists of recommended school supplies. The key here is recommended -- and who's doing the recommending. The store stands to gain quite a lot if you buy everything on the list. Caveat emptor -- stick to the stuff you need, and maybe a few things you want.

Don't forget your styles. While back-to-school prices can offer the opportunity to try something new, don't forget to look at the selections through the lens of your styles. If it didn't work before, chances are good it won't work now, no matter how cheap it is. If you think it might work and the price is right, give it a go. Now's the time.

Comparison shop. When all the signs are screaming "SALE!" it's easy to assume you're getting a deal. With your list in hand, page through some flyers at home, or do a little online sleuthing to see whose prices are promising and whose promises are empty.

Don't feel like you have to compromise. Shopping the early sales gives you plenty of time to walk away and think about what you really want. Better to go back and get the right thing than to spend more to replace the wrong thing you bought because it was (allegedly) a deal.

While I'm in no way ready to think about back-to-school, I'm always ready to find a good planner, notebook, pen (my local dollar store has my favorite one!), or organizing tool at a good price. 

And when all the stars align, one trip might just set me up for the whole school year.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

And the Reason Is...?

 I’ve been using a book of prompts for my morning journaling and one day last week, I chose one that said, “If you had to delete all but three pictures from your phone, which three would you keep?“

I spent only a few seconds considering the question before I quickly decided that I couldn’t do this and, more importantly why should I? What would be the purpose of cutting all my photos down to three? Sure, I could get rid of all those random shots of my feet that I took by accident, the clothing I already posted on Poshmark, and books I took pictures of so I wouldn’t forget the titles when I was making my list of books to reserve at the library. That all makes sense.

But what of the rest? Which friends would I cut? Which family photo would rise above all the rest? Which vacation photos from trips I may never take again should I drag into the virtual trashcan?

You may be wondering why I chose this prompt at all if I were going to be combative about the whole thing. But I’m not being combative. I’m being strategic. 

Whether it's photos, or clothes, or papers, or something else entirely, this is what we do when we organize. We don’t set random rules about how many of one thing we can have. We consider the limits set by space, hygiene, and common sense and, after that, it comes down to personal preference. 

And personal preference changes over time. Things that seemed impossible to part with five years ago might easily make the cut now. Items we keep when space is no object might be easy to eliminate when we’re downsizing.

When it comes to organizing, what you keep and what you don’t keep is entirely up to you. Some decisions are easy, others are not. Why should we make deep cuts if we neither have to nor want to?

I’m certainly not advocating keeping every scrap of paper or item of clothing that makes its way into your home. But, so often when we organize, we think we need to be ruthless when really, we don’t. At least not most of the time. There are, admittedly, life situations that call for us to make the deep cuts. But, when it comes to day-to-day organizing, small steps are often enough to keep clutter under control.

Organizing is a process. If you don’t get rid of it today, maybe you’ll get rid of it tomorrow. Or maybe you won’t.

And maybe there’s no reason to get rid of it at all.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Coming at it From Another Angle

 It's summer! Okay, perhaps not officially, but once spring semester is over, it's summer in my world. And, when the summer classes start only a few days after spring semester ends, I feel justified in my proclamation of the season.

As usual, I started my list of things I want to accomplish this summer even before spring semester ended. Some are directly connected to organizing, but others are a bit more peripheral.

The closet. I made some small changes in my closet on the last day of classes, driven as much by the thought of summer and leisure as the reading I'd been doing about style (in the fashion sense). Returning home after my last class with summer and leisure in mind (and in the air), I pushed my long-sleeved, professional wear off to the side, (but still visible -- my personal style is I need to see it, after all), placing my short-sleeved, casual clothes front-and-center for easy access and review. This summer, I want to go through all of those short-sleeved tops with an eye toward removing anything I don't feel good in, or that no longer fits my style (or perhaps never did). Doing this a few pieces -- or even just one piece -- at a time is the next logical step in the process. Organizing doesn't always have to be a big project. Sometimes, small steps work just as well.

Painting. Though I've finished painting the walls in my dining room, the trim is still crying out for attention. Does beautifying a space count as organizing? Maybe not technically, but the process typically includes reorganizing and often inspires a new perspective on an old space as well, nudging us to upgrade our organizational systems along with the décor. If I'm truthful, finishing this painting project is not a task I'm looking forward to, but it's not (yet) so an onerous task that I'm willing to pay someone else to do it. Adding these finishing touches has something in common with organizing, too -- almost finished is not the same as finished, nor does it give us the same satisfaction. So, final touches, it is.

Creative pursuits. Last spring, I read about trash collages and decided to give one a try. I loved it, so I began devoting some time to collage-making. Unlike the scrapbooks I made when my daughter was small, these latest creations reveal my love of words while also tapping into my creative style. The organization connection? Flexing my creative muscles will, I believe, lead me to be even more likely to explore creative solutions to organizing dilemmas.

So often, we think of organizing as simply de-cluttering and making things look nice. While those skills are definitely important in achieving and restoring order, coming at organizing from another angle can shake things up (in a good way) and inject a little fun into the process as well. 

And I can't think of a better time to add a dash of fun than summertime.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Culling the Closet

 Lately, I've been on a closet kick, re-organizing both the overall set-up and the clothes themselves, which took me back to this post from six years ago.

Last night, I had dinner with friends, all of whom are in the midst of summer vacation. We talked about travel plans and summer projects (among other things) and one of my friends told us about her  recent (ruthless) closet purge. She had two categories: useful and trash. Another had recently changed positions within her organization, and her approach to the transition was similar. Years of materials went directly into the recycling bin.

No one cringed at these stories. In fact, I think most of us were motivated to go home and do the same thing. 

The ruthless closet clean-out is not something all styles manage well. In fact, Let it go! is probably the toughest part of the STYLE process for many of us, even if we don't claim the I love stuff personal style as our own. Maintaining a balance between what comes in and what goes out is, however, a necessary part of the process; without it, we quickly overrun our living space, making organizing far more complicated -- and exhausting -- than it needs to be. And we all fear those times (like this morning, less than 24 hours after my desire to ruthlessly clear out a closet), when we regret our ruthlessness, and long to be able to access something we got rid of in a fit of efficiency. (White pants! Why did I get rid of those comfy white pants?)

Sorting through things and figuring out what to do with them can be overwhelming, but it can also be liberating. Some things are easy to toss. Is it broken? Missing a piece? Hopelessly out of style? A duplicate, triplicate or worse?

Others are more challenging. The dress we paid too much for and wore only once. Clothes we hope to fit into again some day. The makings of a craft or home improvement project we never got around to. Greeting cards, kids' drawings, faded photographs and other similarly sentiment-inducing items.

If you're not the ruthless type, taking small steps to reduce, declutter and recycle can yield the same satisfaction with less (or maybe even no) regret. Restoring order to one space, moving things from an old, too-small container to a new one that's more realistic or starting at the back of a closet or the bottom of a pile (where old and outdated items often lurk) can make weeding a natural part of the process instead of a dreaded task.

Starting with a purpose can help. How many times have you gone looking for something you needed only to come across several things you didn't need in the process? This type of organic cleaning out can be satisfying without being emotionally draining.

You don't need to be ruthless to make progress. Look around. What can you let go of? Start with what's easy and build from there.