I seem to be in revamp mode.
For me, this particular organizing mode can be activated in several ways. It might be sparked by frustration with a system that's no longer working, the need for a system to bring order to some degree of chaos, or even the discovery of a tool I didn't know existed.
Take my recent lazy Susan rampage. I saw a problem, found a tool I liked, and began using it in multiple areas of my home to make things tidier. (I still love opening those cabinets!) The stick-on, motion-sensitive light campaign that followed the lazy Susan rampage didn't make things tidier, but it definitely made them brighter. (I just ordered two more for the kitchen).
I love it when a simple solution makes things better.
But even good solutions can need revamping. Years ago, I hired a closet specialist to install "storage solutions" in my deep Cape Cod closet, a space with a normal ceiling height at the front and a much lower ceiling at the back. The makeover definitely created the scaffolding for a more organized space but, even then, some areas were difficult to access because of the low ceiling at the back of the closet. Still, it seemed that having the shelves was better than not having them.
Now, thirty years later, I'm discovering that it's not the age of the solution that's the issue but, rather, the age of the user. I can get to the back of the closet, but it's awkward at best. Truth be told, it was awkward then, too (the configuration of the closet made that inevitable) but now, having spent the better part of the last fifteen years making organizing easy, I'm more impatient with anything that puts easy upkeep out of reach (literally, in this case). So, I've come to the conclusion that it's time to reconsider, revamp and/or repurpose.
As is usually the case, I didn't come to this conclusion out of the clear blue sky, or even during a sleepless night. It was only when the closet floor became littered with shoes that had overrun the shoe storage that I realized I needed to make a change.
So, I made a few small changes that made things better, knowing that on another day -- one when I had more time and motivation -- I'd take the next steps.
Meanwhile, my brain has been conjuring up possible solutions. The only things I know for sure right now are that the front of the closet works, the back of the closet doesn't, and easy upkeep is my eventual goal. I suspect that there are things at the back of the closet I can easily part with, freeing up both space and possibilities.
As I write this, new ideas are bouncing back and forth across my mind. Whether I pull everything out, sort it, and put it back in a more organized fashion, add a tool or two to the existing set-up, or reconfigure the set-up entirely, I have one hope for the eventual outcome.
That I'll like it as much as the lights and the lazy Susans.